Minister Bhattarai calls for unity among political parties for development and prosperity

Kawasoti, Aug 29: Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Yogesh Bhattarai has called for unity among the political parties to lead the nation towards prosperity.

At an inaugural of the Integrated Modal Settlement at Kawasoti in Nawalpur district today, Minister Bhattarai reiterated that it was imperative for all the political parties to forge a national consensus and move ahead in unison for the greater good of the country.

Bhattarai argued that although there is competition in the election among the political parties in democracy, there should be no enmity among one another.

Terming poverty, backwardness and lack of education to be the real enemy, the Minister urged one and all to wage a war against poverty, lack of education and backwardness.

According to him, the political parties were under the scrutiny of the pubic, as the public were watching them whether the political parties would rise over petty interest or work in unison for the greater good of the country. “History does not give one opportunity again and again. It is high time all the political parties are unified and work for the national interest.”

Lauding the contribution of Nepal Communist Party (NCP) and Nepali Congress for various movements that could bring a new change to the country, he viewed that both parties had an important role in the development works of the country.

On the occasion, Minister Bhattarai inaugurated Dhaubadi Rudrapur Gadhi -at Dhaubadi in Hupsekot Rural Municipality-5 in Nawalpur to be developed as a tourist spot and declared the place to be Rhododendron Protected Area.

The historical Rudrapur fort was developed as a tourist spot at the cost of Rs 600 million provided by the Hupsekot Rural Municipality in the district.

The estimated cost for developing Rhododendron Protected Area stands at Rs 200 million while the integrated model settlement would be constructed at the cost of Rs 800 million.

The concerned rural municipality has allocated Rs 200 million to give impetus to these to project for this current fiscal year.