Two absconders arrested; one still at large

Ranjha, July 23, Two detainees who had absconded from the Area Police Office, Dhanauli based in Khajura rural municipality of Banke have been arrested. One detainee is still at large.

Bir Bahadur Oli, Deputy Superintendant of Police at Banke District Office, shared the police on Monday nabbed Nirmal Thapa, 19, and Ujjwal Karki, of Khajura rural municipality-3.

According to him, the police squad caught them while the latter were about to flee to India. Siman BK, 18, of Khajura rural municipality-4 is still absconding, police said. On July 13, the detainees had broken the iron rod of the toilet at around 12.00 midnight and absconded from the custody.

Police shared that Thapa and Karki were arrested on public offense case while BK was nabbed on drug abuse case.