France aims to be ‘facilitator’ in Gulf crisis talks

DOHA, July 15 : French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in Doha on Saturday that Paris wants to assist Kuwait-led mediation on the crisis between Qatar and four other Arab states. “France should be a facilitator in the mediation” led by Kuwait, Le Drian told reporters following talks with his Qatari counterpart Sheikh Mohammed […]

Qatar given 48 more hours to respond to demands of boycotting countries

Four Arab states accusing Qatar of supporting terrorism agreed Monday to a proposal by Kuwait to extend the deadline for Qatar’s response to the demands list by 48 hours, the official Saudi news agency SPA reported.   With the deadline expiring at the end of Sunday, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and […]

Nepal’s security challenges

The National Security Policy 2016, recently ratified by the cabinet, lists foreign intervention, open international border, border encroachment, infiltration and fuel/ energy crisis as major security challenges for the country. Similarly, transition into new governance system, political instability and polarisation, entrenched communalism and regionalism have been mentioned as internal security threat. The document further lists […]

Nepal Army: All eyes on profit


The estimated cost for Devsthal Kainadanda section of Jajarkot-Dunai road was rupees 195.4 million rupees. The actual project costs exceeded by 88.42 millionrupees, without sufficient technical clarification. Procurements exceeding 100 million rupees were made in the year 2015 without following proper procedure as stipulated by Article 7 of Public Procurement Act, 2007. The welfare medical […]

Saptari Incident: Innocents reeled under ego clash

23 Falgun, 2073 (6 March, 2017): Nepal’s second largest political party, CPN-UML was conducting its mass assembly in Gajendra Narayan Singh Industrial Area at Basbitti, Saptari as part of its ‘Mechi-Mahakali Campaign’. Meanwhile, cadres of Madhesi Morcha, who had announced ‘prohibition’ of the CPN-UML from entering Madhesh were staging a protest some 300 meters away […]

KILLING CLINICS : Where patients are prescribed death

Nilisha Karki was only 20 years when she died of blood transfusion error at Kathmandu’s Nobel Hospital in the spring of 2013. Nilisha was diagnosed with Idiopathic Thrombacytopenic Purpura (ITP), a kind of disorder resulting in unusually low levels of blood platelets, at Kathmandu’s Institute of Medicine (IOM) Teaching Hospital. In April 2013, Nilisha was […]