Indonesia Seeks Peace Building with International NGO

Lawyers, education experts, religious leaders, youth and women’s groups, and journalists in Indonesia gathered together to forge social solidarity and cohesion through peace-building measures proposed by an international NGO. Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), an international NGO affiliated with the UN ECOSOC, held events from January 27 to 30 to raise awareness of peacebuilding in Indonesia.

The Bar Association of Indonesia, Himpunan Advokat Pengacara Indonesia (HAPI), discussed the ways to develop the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) drafted by HWPL to establish an international law for peace as a legally binding document at both national and international levels after reviewing it and agreed to support. On this, Head of the HAPI, Mrs. Dr. Hj. Elza Syarief said, “The DPCW contains provisions that essentially stop the war-like activities. So the enactment of the DPCW is a definite answer to the end of the war and achievement of peace.”

In order to seek applicability of the DPCW in Indonesia, HWPL has been promoting the ‘Legislate Peace Campaign’ in cooperation with the civil society including youth and women. 3,000 youth and women gathered at Bundaran HI in Jakarta to participate in the “Walk of Hope for Peace & Harmony”, which calls for the implementation of the DPCW through the public participation in peacebuilding.

On the 29th, “HWPL Peace Academy MOU Signing Ceremony with Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta” was held to implement the practical peace education for youth. The MOU of peace education with HWPL has been signed by 11 schools in Indonesia. Currently, 140 schools around the world including the Philippines, Israel, and India have been designated as HWPL Peace Academies to introduce peace education for students.

As well as the peace movement of legal experts, education field, and civil society, about 220 Indonesian religious leaders attended the “HWPL Indonesian Religious Leaders’ Conference” and agreed to work on religious cooperation and play the role of religious leaders to achieve peace.

Mr. Mulyadi Liang, Head of Education of Majelis Tinggi Agama Konghucu Indonesia (MATAKIN) addressed “There will be no more chaos or war when everyone is willing to share the message of peace throughout the world. We can take this initiative by educating our children early on the importance of tolerance and harmonious life.”

“We hope our planet is free from war. In this regard, we have a practical solution to achieve peace. The DPCW with 10 articles and 38 clauses was made by international law experts and we have made a commitment to advocate and promote it globally with politicians, religious leaders, civil society representatives. With this, a world of peace will become a reality.” said, Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL.