Market monitoring team takes action against 19 traders

Kathmandu, July 19 – In view of the excessive price hike of the vegetables and fruits, a government team conducted the market monitoring and took action against 19 traders for brokering at Kalimati and Balkhu vegetable markets.

The team from the Department of Commerce, Supply and Consumer’s Protection took action against eight traders from Kalimati, and 11 others from Balkhu vegetable markets, for they failed to produce invoices. The traders could not show the price bills prepared while buying veggies from the agro product centres.

They were fined Rs 5,000 each by the Department. The monitoring team also fined Rs 10,00o each to two brokers. When the team entered the markets, some traders habituated to fleecing the consumers, left the stalls.

The vegetable and fruit suppliers and brokers were reported to make exorbitant profits, working in the middle. The next round of the monitoring would be conducted in a more effective way because the suppliers and brokers were used to leave the market around 1:00am to 2:00pm. Earlier, the team had reached the market at 4:00 am, said Director General at the Department, Yogendra Gauchan.

Similarly, those in the management of the Kalimati and Balkhu vegetable markets were directed to hold a discussion with the Department because they were not able to control the brokers. The traders were also urged to compulsorily maintain the price list and issue bills/invoices.